Welcome to the Village of Wagon Mound online. This website will assist you in finding events and happenings in and around our village and keep you informed about our local government. If you are new to town, we hope you will take the opportunity to explore and find all the information you need to become an active member of our community.
Village Hall operating hours are, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm. The Village of Wagon Mound offers walk-in, drop-box and over the phone payments for Utility bills.
If you would like to participate in the Village Council Meetings, please check https://www.wagonmound.org/minutes for meeting dates and agendas. We invite the Community to please share questions and concerns during the public input portion of our Council meetings.
Motor Vehicle Department operating hours are Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. Appointments, while not required, are recommended. Call and schedule an appointment today!
One visit to the Village of Wagon Mound and you will feel you have been transported back in time to the mid-1800s. The churches, railroad depot, streets and houses have maintained their 19th century integrity, while continuing to meet the needs of those presently living here.